Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Can using moisturiser make you hands drier due to stopping natural oils get to work?

Since having my first baby my hands, which have always been dry, have become so dry that the skin cracks and bleeds. My husband thinks that I use too much moisturiser and am preventing my skin from self-healing and producing its own oils. Can that really happen? And yes, my hands are in water more often than they used to be!|||There%26#039;s nothing in any hand creams I know of that could physicaly block a pore in the skin. (Think about it. If they were blocked, they%26#039;d swell like a boil or pimple if the liquid couldn%26#039;t get out.)

As you age your skin will typically get dryer. But my money is on your situation: You are no doubt washing more things due to the baby being around right? You should consider wearing gloves whenever possible, even when using mild dish detergent. All of this is contributing to washing away your natural oils.|||A moisturiser shouldn%26#039;t stop natural function, no.

What you are describing is worse than simple dryness though. Maybe your doctor can prescribe a better cream for you.

Good Luck.|||A good moisturiser will do just what the name suggests lock in moisture and i have never herd such a thing as too much moisturiser. your hands do seem really dry if they are cracking i would pop to the docs and make sure its not dermatitas.

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